Microwave Hang Tags:
A recipe for grubby hang tabs. It works great, and you don't need to turn oven on.
2 cups of hot water
1/4 cup instant coffee (dry)
2-3 tea bags (let seep for a bit)
3 Tablespoons imitation vanilla scented oil is optional and amount depends on strengthdesired.
Mix together. Soak tags in coffee mixture for 5-10 mins. Lay on paper plate lined with paper towels. Microwave in intervals of 40 sec, checking to make sure they don't burn. Sprinkled lightly with real cinnamon before microwaving. You can stamp on them or write on them. A really great look is old time pictures applied with decoupage. Add pic of your kids to the hang tags and use as gift tags.
Kids tip:
Let the kids personalize them and they can give for Valentines, Mother'sDay, Father's Day, Grandparents Day or for any special event.
This recipe can be used to stain muslin also, apply with sponge brush. Sprinkle the wet muslin with cinnamon and rub for a great grubby look. Air dry the fabric.
Let's get grungy!! Tea bag trick!
I want to share this quick tip with you. Do you have lampshades that need that fast prim touch? Take a few tea bags (may need more ready depending on the size of the shade) Throw a cup of water in the microwave on high to get nice and hot, let your tea bags steep and gently wring out a little to get excess water off. Simply dab or blot your tea bags directly onto your shade! Yes, it's that simple. You can do as many layers as you'd like depending on how dark you want your stain.
Written by Angie Wenke
Primitive Times Magazine
Til next time...God Bless,
I like that lampshade idea! I knew the tags thing but never gave lampshades any thought. Now I won't have to pass up the imperfect ones at Goodwill cuz I can prim them at home. Thanks!!!!
I posted my prim star.
Thank you Celene! I just made some of your tags using parchment paper (card stock) and using strong tea and allspice. Baked it at 175 degrees for 20 min. or so, cooled it, flattened it and ran it thru the printer! It worked beautifully! I put it on Pinterest and linked it back to your blog. Thanks again!
where can you buy the tags you have shown? Thank you.
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